This Strategic Economic Development Plan represents the first formal economic development plan for the Township of North Kawartha. Extensive consultations were conducted with a range of community stakeholders in order to understand the issues and concerns of ratepayers and businesses. Consultation tactics included 1:1 depth-interviews, Zoom & Phone calls, written submissions, as well as a formal public meeting. A special thanks to all those community members who’ve participated in the development of this plan. This plan prioritizes 5 key areas of focus for the Municipality: Development, Infrastructure, Labour, Tourism, and Economic Diversification. These five strategic areas of focus address the immediate, and long term economic needs of the Township. Together with our partners, community groups, and the private sector, we will embark on building an inclusive, sustainable economy for the Township.
View the Township of North Kawartha 2023-2026 Strategic Economic Development Plan and the 2023-2026 Strategic Economic Development Plan Snap Shot