Processing of your application will take a minimum of 90 days upon receipt of a complete application, including all information that is required and assuming no complications arise.
Please note the following:
Archaeological Assessments
Please note that through recent consultation with Curve Lake First Nation (CLFN), it has been suggested that archaeological assessments may be required for development on waterfront properties. You will need to complete the attached checklist from the Province for evaluating archaeological potential to determine whether an archaeological assessment is required. This checklist needs to be submitted with any application submitted. Should you determine that an archaeological assessment is required, we would encourage follow up discussion with the Township and Curve Lake to confirm specific requirements.
Upon submitting an Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment, the township suggests that the Applicant contact all neighbours of the subject land, relevant Ministries and other agencies to inform them of your plans.
Upon receipt of a complete Application for an Amendment to the Zoning By-law, your application will be forwarded to the Township Planner for processing.
A Public Meeting shall be scheduled, under the regulations of the Planning Act, after the application has been deemed complete by the Township Planner and Township Planning Department.
The Planning Act prescribes that a Notice of the Public Meeting shall be given at least 20 days before the day of the Meeting by prepaid first class mail to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property and to the appropriate agencies. It is also required to post a Notice of Public Meeting on the subject property.
Public Meetings are currently being held in a Hybrid format. You may attend in person, electronically or by phone (using the zoom invitation available on the agenda) It is recommended that the applicant attend the meeting or have someone else represent you. Meetings are audio and video recorded and posted on the Township YouTube channel as soon as possible after the meeting for public viewing.
All written submissions will be presented at the Public Meeting. Anyone in attendance will be given the opportunity to speak in support of or in opposition to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. If there is no opposition to the Zoning By-law Amendment submitted at the time of the Public Meeting then Council may pass the By-law later in the meeting or at a subsequent meeting of Council.
There is a 20 day appeal period from the date of the Notice of Passing being mailed. Only the applicant or a person or public body who, before the By-law was passed, made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to council may appeal the By-law to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.
If Council refuses or neglects to make a decision on the By-law within 120 days the applicant may appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.
If no appeal is received within the 20 day appeal period, the By-law becomes effective on the date of passage.