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Public Education

To ensure preparedness of the residents and business owners of our municipality, from time to time we provide helpful tips and information through the local newspapers and by other means. Brochures on a variety of emergency management topics are available at the municipal office or through the Government of Canada's Emergency Preparedness website and the Emergency Management Ontario website.

In addition,we promote the need for personal preparedness during Emergency Preparedness Week, which is held the first week in May of each year. Be Prepared, plan for emergencies. In an emergency, your family may not be together, or you may be asked to evacuate your home. Develop a family emergency plan before an emergency strikes and practice your plan! Knowing what to do is your best protection.

Please contact us if you would like to have someone speak at your event or would like information to share with your group. We would be happy to discuss the options with you.

Emergency Management Ontario publishes handy fact sheets with valuable information about dealing with emergencies. Click on the topic that is of most interest to you.

image of forest fire







Social Media
Check out our Twitter accounts for safety tips and other forest fire related information.

MNRF and

For smoke drift conditions across North America, visit:
Smoke drift across North America

For air quality in your area, please visit:
Public Weather Alerts for Canada

For information about forest fire smoke and your health, consult:
Smoke and your health

For highway conditions, including road closures:
Municipal 511

Smoke Information – General Predictions and Health InformationSmoke Forecast - FireSmoke.caFireWork: National Wildfire Smoke Model - Environment Canada ( Quality Health Index ( Fire Smoke and Your Health - Emergency Management Branch - Ministry Programs - Public Information - MOHLTC (


Current situation - The Crowe Valley Conservation Authority provides updates to the Township especially in the area of the Crowe River watershed including Chandos Lake.

Flooding is a significant natural hazard in Ontario that can happen at any time. Heavy rains, rapid snowmelt, spring break-up and ice jams, wind-related storm surges across large lakes or the failure of dams can all cause floods.

Advance warning gives residents, municipalities and other government agencies the chance to take appropriate precautions. Ontario uses the terms listed below:

Flood Warning Flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities.

Flood Watch The potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities.

Flood Outlook Gives early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snowmelt, high winds or other conditions.

Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety: indicates that high flows, melting ice or other factors could be dangerous for such users as boaters, anglers and swimmers but flooding is not expected.

The Township of North Kawartha is also affected by Eels Creek which runs throughout the Township and is monitored and controlled by the Trent Severn Waterway.  Otonabee Conservation Authority reports on Stony Lake and in areas surrounding Peterborough.

Further reference information:

Severe Thunderstorms, Lightening and Hail and Tornadoes

Ministry of Ontario - Thunderstorm
Ministry of Ontario - Tornadoes

Thunderstorms are often accompanied by high winds, hail, lightning, heavy rain and in rare cases can produce tornadoes. Hail is formed when updrafts in thunderclouds carry raindrops upward into extremely cold areas of the atmosphere, where they freeze and merge into lumps of ice.

Thunderstorms, lightning and hail:
  • Thunderstorms and lightning occur throughout Canada but less frequently in the North. On average, 10 people die each year in Canada and up to 160 are injured during such storms.
  • Thunderstorms are usually over within an hour, although a series of thunderstorms can last several hours.
  • Hailstorms occur across Canada, mostly from May to October. They are most frequent in Alberta, the southern Prairies and in southern Ontario.
  • Some hailstones are the size of peas while others can be as big as grapefruits.
  • Hail comes down at great speed, especially when accompanied by high winds and can cause serious injuries and damages.
What to do if outside
  • If you are caught outside and you can see lightning or hear thunder, you are in danger of being hit. Seek shelter immediately either in an enclosed building or a hard-topped vehicle. There is no safe place outside in a thunderstorm.
  • If caught outside far from a safe location, stay away from tall objects, such as trees, poles, wires and fences. Take shelter in a low lying area.
  • Wait 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder before going outside again.
What to do if inside

Before a severe thunderstorm, unplug radios, televisions and appliances (especially those that may start up automatically when the power is restored). Listen for weather updates on your wind-up or battery-powered radio.

  • If you need to use the phone during a thunderstorm use a cordless phone.
  • Stay away from items that may conduct electricity, such as corded telephones, appliances, sinks, bathtubs, radiators and metal pipes.
  • If hail is forecast, protect your vehicle by putting it in the garage or other enclosed space.
  • Take cover when hail begins to fall. Do not go out to cover plants, cars or garden furniture.
  • When a hailstorm hits, stay indoors, and keep yourself and your pets away from windows, glass doors and skylights which can shatter if hit by hailstones.
Warning signs of a potential tornado
  • Severe thunderstorms.
  • An extremely dark sky, sometimes highlighted by green or yellow clouds.
  • A rumbling or a whistling sound caused by flying debris.
  • A funnel cloud at the rear base of a thundercloud, often behind a curtain of heavy rain or hail.
What to do
In all cases
  • Get as close to the ground as possible, protect your head and watch for flying debris.
  • Do not chase tornadoes - they are unpredictable and can change course abruptly.
  • A tornado is deceptive. It may appear to be standing still but may in fact be moving toward you.
In a house
  • Go to the basement or take shelter in a small interior ground floor room such as a bathroom, closet or hallway.
  • If you have no basement, protect yourself by taking shelter under a heavy table or desk.
  • In all cases, stay away from windows, outside walls and doors.
On a farm

If your personal safety is not at risk, you may have time to open routes of escape for your livestock. Open the gate, if necessary, and then exit the area in a direction perpendicular to the expected path of the tornado.

In a recreational vehicle or mobile home
  • Find shelter elsewhere, preferably in a building with a strong foundation.
  • If no shelter is available, crouch down in a ditch away from the mobile home or recreational vehicle. Beware of flooding from downpours and be prepared to move.
In a high rise building
  • Take shelter in an inner hallway or room, ideally in the basement or on the ground floor.
  • Do not use the elevator.
  • Stay away from windows.
In a gymnasium, church or auditorium
  • Large buildings with wide-span roofs may collapse if a tornado hits.
  • If you are in one of these buildings and cannot leave, take cover under a sturdy structure such as a table or desk.
In a vehicle
  • If you spot a tornado in the distance go to the nearest solid shelter.
  • If the tornado is close, get out of your car and take cover in a low-lying area, such as a ditch.
  • Do not take shelter under an overpass or a bridge. Winds can accelerate under an overpass or a bridge and cause injury or death from flying debris.

Every Canadian household needs an emergency plan. It will help you and your family to know what to do in case of an emergency. Remember, your family may not be together when a storm or other emergency occurs. Identify safe places where everyone should meet if they have to leave home during an emergency.

Start by discussing what could happen and what you should do at home, at school or at work if a severe storm strikes. To be prepared, make a list of what needs to be done ahead of time. Store important family documents, such as birth certificates, passports, wills, financial documents, insurance policies, etc. in waterproof container(s). Identify an appropriate out-of-town contact that can act as a central point of contact in an emergency.

Write down and exercise your plan with the entire family at least once a year. Make sure everybody has a copy and keeps it close at hand.

For more information on making an emergency plan, call 1-800-O-Canada or visit Emergency Management Ontario to download or complete an emergency plan online.

In an emergency you will need some basic supplies. You may need to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours.

You may have some of the items already, such as a flashlight, battery-operated radio, food and water. The key is to make sure they are organized and easy to find. Would you be able to find your flashlight in the dark?

Make sure your kit is easy to carry. Keep it in a backpack, duffel bag or suitcase with wheels, in an easy-to-reach, accessible place, such as your front hall closet. Make sure everyone in the household knows where the emergency kit is.

Basic emergency kit
  • Water - at least two litres of water per person per day. Include small bottles that can be carried easily in case of an evacuation order.
  • Food that won't spoil, such as canned food, energy bars and dried foods (remember to replace food and water once a year).
  • Manual can opener.
  • Crank or battery-powered flashlight (and extra batteries).
  • Crank or battery-powered radio (and extra batteries).
  • First aid kit.
  • Special items such as prescription medications, infant formula, equipment for people with disabilities.
  • Extra keys to your car and house
  • Some cash in smaller bills, such as $10 bills and change for payphones
  • A copy of your emergency plan and contact information

You can purchase a pre-packaged emergency kit from the Canadian Red Cross at

Visit Emergency Management Ontario or call 1 800 O-Canada for a list of additional emergency kit items, including a car emergency kit.

Crowe Valley Conservation Authority shows the Low Water Status Level.

Extreme cold and wind chill can be extremely dangerous. Be prepared. Dress appropriately in layered, warm, wind resistant clothing. Always have hats (that cover your ears), gloves and a scarf handy. Keep extra clothing and outerwear in your car. Protect yourself from frostbite.

Hydro One

To report power outages to Hydro One, call 1-800-434-1235 with your address and / or account number, 24 hours / 7 days a week. Download their mobile app, search Hydro One.

Weather Alerts - Ontario

Listen to your local radio stations. Monitor social media and follow local news media authorities. Click here for Public Alerts in Ontario.

Alana Solman
Chief Administrative Officer
The Township of North Kawartha
280 Burleigh Street
P.O. Box 550
Apsley, Ontario
K0L 1A0

T. 705-656-5152
T. 705-656-4445 ext. 236
Toll Free: 1-800-755-6931 ext. 236
F. 705-656-4446
Email the Chief Administrative Officer

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