Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Management Ontario is an organization within the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services that is responsible for monitoring, coordinating and assisting with emergency management programs in Ontario. Please visit Emergency Management Ontario for helpful information about dealing with emergencies.
All residents and visitors have a role to play in keeping our community safe. Individuals and families should be prepared to take care of themselves for at least 72 hours in the event of an emergency. Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety and loss! Help ensure the well-being of you, your family and your pets by creating a family emergency survival kit. Ensure there are enough supplies to last at least 72 hours for all members of your family. If able, check on neighbours, especially those who live alone, the elderly or those who have special needs.
Be Prepared this Winter Season (Fact Sheet from the Ministry of Ontario)
Township of North Kawartha Emergency Plan
The Township of North Kawartha has developed an Emergency Response Plan. An Emergency Response Plan is a plan of action for the effective deployment and coordination of services, agencies and personnel to provide the earliest possible response to an emergency.
The Emergency Plan is tested and updated each year through training and a mock emergency exercise to find out whether the components in the plan will work in an actual emergency.
View the Township of North Kawartha Emergency Plan
Peterborough County is hoping to develop for the Apple iOS operating system as well.

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