Public Notice - New Draft Animal Control By-Law
Public Notice - Take Notice that the Council of the Township of North Kawartha will consider an amendment to the Animal Control By-law in whole for the purpose of amending the fees set out in Schedule “A” (Fees Schedule).
The fee amendment will change the annual license fee of $10.00 to a lifetime license fee of $40.00. The Draft By-Law includes a new Schedule “B” - “Animal Control Order to Leash and Muzzle” and an amended set fines table in Schedule “C”. By-Law 2022-0028 will be repealed.
The by-law will come before Council at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025.
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Township of North Kawartha
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PO Box 550
Apsley, ON K0L 1A0
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