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Minor Variance

Minor Variances are granted to allow development to proceed without it being in exact conformity with the requirements of the Zoning By-Law. They are a special privilege and there must be a valid reason why the by-law cannot be met in order for a Minor Variance to be granted. Information regarding a Minor Variance is available at the Municipal Office. 

Examples of a minor variance application include:

  • Height of an accessory structure
  • Setback to a private right of way or Municipal road
  • Interior side yard setback for a boathouse
  • Minor expansion in the water yard exceeding the allowable size permitted

Minor Variance Application

Once you submit your application, we will process and prepare the application for Public Meeting for the Committee of Adjustment. Please view our Calendar for Minor Variance hearing dates. Staff generally require a minimum of 30 business days to prepare and present an application.

Review the hearing process:

  • The public meeting notice will be mailed to property owners within a 60 meter (approximate 200 ft.) radius of your property at least 10 days before the meeting date.
  • As the applicant, you are encouraged to discuss your plans with your neighbours because it may clarify matters and avoid misunderstandings or issues at the Committee hearing
  • Your or your agent will be able to speak on behalf of the application before the Committee of Adjustment on the date of the hearing. You can speak in person, over the phone or on the computer.
  • Any person may request to speak on behalf the application or documentation can be sent to Municipal Staff to be presented to the Committee of Adjustment.
  • Following the hearing, you will receive a Notice of Decision that specifies whether the application was approved or not, and if any conditions were included in the decision.

Once you have received the decision, there will be an appeal period of 20 days during which time no 3rd party appeals may be made. More information about the Appeal Process can be found at the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Once the 20 days is complete, you or your agent may apply for a building permit.

Contact Us

Township of North Kawartha
280 Burleigh Street
PO Box 550
Apsley, ON K0L 1A0

Tel: 705-656-4445
Toll free: 1-800-755-6931
Fax: 705-656-4446
Roads After Hours: 705-740-6158
Call 911 for Emergencies

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