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Current Planning Applications

The Committee of Adjustment Meeting(s) and Regular Meetings of Council are held a hybrid format.  You may attend in person (The Municipal Office, Council Chambers at 280 Burleigh Street, Apsley, ON, K0L 1A0)  or you may join the meeting electronically or by phone using the Zoom Invitation available on the Public Agenda(s) available on our website at

Minor Variances (Committee of Adjustment)

Minor Variances are granted to allow development to proceed without it being in exact conformity with the requirements of the Zoning By-Law. They are a special privilege and there must be a valid reason why the by-law cannot be met in order for a Minor Variance to be granted. Information regarding a Minor Variance is available at the Municipal Office. 

Notice of Public Hearing for Minor Variance(s) being considered by the Committee of Adjustment on April 1, 2025.

Application No. A-04-25
Property Description/Land Affected: Part of Lot 15, Concession 5, Chandos Ward, 30 Wally's Way 
Roll #1536-010-200-28210

Application No. A-05-25
Property Description/Land Affected: Part of Lot 5, Concession 4, Burleigh Ward, 252 Mt Julian Viamede Road
Roll # 1536-020-001-38707


Notice of decision for Minor Variance(s) approved by the Committee of Adjustment on April 1, 2025. 

Application No A-04-25
Property Description/Land Affected: Part of Lot 15, Concession 5, Chandos Ward, 30 Wally's Way Roll #1536-010-200-28210

Application No. A-05-25
Property Description/Land Affected: Part of Lot 5, Concession 4, Burleigh Ward, 252 Mt Julian Viamede Road, Roll # 1536-020-001-38707

Last day to appeal these decisions is March 20, 2025.

Notice of Deferral

Notice of Refusal

Zone Amendments

A zoning by-law amendment is a by-law passed by Council. Since the Zoning By-law implements the Peterborough County Official Plan, a zoning by-law amendment must conform to the Official Plan. If it does not, you might need an official plan amendment before applying for a proposed Zoning By-law amendment.

Notice of public meeting for Proposed Amendment to the Zoning By-law being considered by the Township of North Kawartha Council on Tuesday April 1, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. 

Application No. ZA-01-25 
Property Description/Land Affected: Part of Lot 10, Concession 7, Chandos Ward, 382 and 436 Couch's Road 
Roll # 1536-010-201-11800 and 1536-010-201-13300

Application No. ZA-03-25
Property Description/Land Affected: Part of Lots 34 and 35, Concession 7, Anstruther Ward, 56 Tucker's Road
Roll # 1536-020-202-29100


Notice of Passing Zone Amendments considered by Council on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. 

Application No. ZA-01-25
Property Description/Land Affected: Part of Lot 10, Concession 7, Chandos Ward
382 and 436 Couch's Road
Roll # 1536-010-201-11800 and 1536-010-201-13300

Application No. ZA-03-25
Property Description/Land Affected: Part of Lot 34 and 35, Concession 7, Anstruther Ward
56 Tucker's Road
Roll # 1536-020-202-29100


Notice of Refusal

Notice of Deferral

Shoreline Road Allowance

The Township offers for sale the 66 foot shoreline road allowance only to the property owner whose land is separated from the lake by this allowance. Please note that if there is a portion between the 66 foot shoreline road allowance and the property owner's lot that is owned by the Crown (Ministry of Natural Resources), this portion must be purchased through the Ministry of Natural Resources prior to proceeding with the municipal shoreline road allowance purchase. This is usually evident at the time the survey is completed. It is strongly recommended that the municipality review any existing surveys or new draft surveys to determine if they are satisfactory for the application.

For more information contact Building/Planning Assistant by email or at 705-656-5188
By-law #2022-0108 and Schedule A outline the policies and procedures for the purchase of Shoreline Road Allowances.

Notice of public meeting regarding application(s) to purchase Shoreline Road Allowance being considered by the Township of North Kawartha Council on April 1, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. 

Shoreline Road Allowance Application:

  1. Subject Lands: Pt of Shore Road Allowance in front of Lot 20, Concession 5, Geographic Township of Chandos, Township of North Kawartha, being Part 1 on Plan 45R-17765, being all of PIN 28271-0356 (LT)- 600 Renwick Road 
  2. Subject Lands

Municipal Road Allowance

The Township shall consider the sale of Unopened Road Allowances.  These road allowances are typically 66 feet, run between concessions, are often referred to as concession road allowances and are owned by the Municipality.  Each application shall be dealt with on its own merit, subject to, but not limited to, the following criteria:

  • Requirement for future use of allowance by Township
  • Requirement for public access
  • Site specific based hardship
  • Existing encroachment on municipal lands
  • Requirement for additional lands where necessary to comply with zoning by-law
  • Protection of wetland areas
  • Negative impact to abutting landowner (i.e. Buffer Zone)
  • Applications shall be circulated to Federal and Provincial Agencies as deemed appropriate
  • Other property owners whose land may abut the unopened municipal road allowance are entitled to purchase the land to its middle line and must be given first right of refusal according to the Municipal Act
  • The land costs for road allowances that lead to water are determined by appraisal
  • Land lock road allowances are priced based on the square footage of the road allowance

For further information, please contact the Building/Planning Assistant by email or at 705-656-5188

By-Law 2022-0109 and Schedule A outlines the policies and procedures for purchasing Unopened Municipal Road Allowances.

Notice of public meeting regarding application(s) to purchase Municipal Road Allowance being considered by the Township of North Kawartha Council on March 18, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. 

  1. Subject Lands: Pt Municipal Rdal between Concession 10 & 11, in front of Lot 6, Concession 11, Geographic Township of Chandos, Township of North Kawartha, being Part 1 on Plan 45R-17410, being part of PIN 28276-0175 (LT).  
  2. Subject Lands: Pt Municipal Rdal between Lots 5 & 6, Concession 9, Geographic Township of Chandos, Township of North Kawartha, being part of PIN 28275-0153 (LT) near 525 West Bay Road

Contact Us

Township of North Kawartha
280 Burleigh Street
PO Box 550
Apsley, ON K0L 1A0

Tel: 705-656-4445
Toll free: 1-800-755-6931
Fax: 705-656-4446
Roads After Hours: 705-740-6158
Call 911 for Emergencies

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