By-Law Enforcement
By-laws are established to ensure that the Municipality is a good place for everyone to share and enjoy by setting rules and boundaries that everyone must follow. The Township has many by-laws, below are the some of the most commonly referenced. Please contact the By-Law department for further inquiries on topics not listed.
To help us meet this commitment, we will bring by-law violations to the attention of individuals and property owners and work hard to reach a satisfactory resolution in a timely manner.
By-laws are a comprehensive document passed by a municipality to provide for consistent and orderly development and to reduce the possibility of conflicting uses on properly zoned lands. They provide for a healthy, consistent environment and are a minimum standard to specific zones and uses as approved.
If you wish to submit a comment/complaint in regards to building or zoning issues, clean and clear or property standard issues, or any other issues that pertain to Building or Planning, please use the submittable Complaint Form, Building Department.