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Dog Licence

Lifetime Dog Tags can be obtained by completing the licence form online or by visiting the Municipal Office.

Once all information is provided the Licence, Dog Tag and Invoice will be mailed to the address provided. 


By-law # 2025-0013 requires your dog to be licenced on an lifetime basis. A dog licence and tag can be obtained by completing the online application form and submitting the $40.00 fee.

Payments can be made in person at the Municipal Office or by mail 

If payment is made in person, the licence and tag will be provided immediately. For payments made by mail, the licence and tag will be mailed to the address provided on the application form.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the online application process, please contact the Municipal Office at 705-656-4445 ext. 232.

Dog Licence and tags will not be issued until payment has been successfully received and processed.

Kennels operators must obtain a yearly kennel licence from the Township. The kennel owner shall conform to guidelines set by this municipality prior to a licence being issued.

By-Law #2025-0013 outlines the rules for kennel operations, licencing dogs and for dogs running at large. If you have any further questions, please contact the Chief Building Official, at 705-656-4445 Ext. 231 or 1-800 -755-6931.

By-Law 2025-0013 outlines the rules for licencing dogs, kennel operations and for dogs running at large. If you have any further questions, please contact the By-law Enforcement Officer at 705-656-4445 Ext. 231 or 1-800 -755-6931.

All dog waste (feces) must be picked up from private or township property.

Online Lifetime Dog Licence Application

Please note:  Once you complete and submit the online dog licence application below you will be mailed (to the address provided in your application) a copy of your licence, your dog tag and an invoice (payable to the Township of North Kawartha).  You can return your payment (made payable to the Township of North Kawartha) by mail or by cash or debit at the Municipal Office.


Matt Aldom
Chief Building Official/By-Law Enforcement Officer
The Township of North Kawartha
280 Burleigh Street
P.O. Box 550
Apsley, Ontario
K0L 1A0

T. 705-656-5182
T. 705-656-4445 ext. 237
Toll Free: 1-800-755-6931 ext. 237
F. 705-656-4446
Email the Chief Building Official/By-Law Enforcement Officer

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